What we do
We provide everything you need to manage the climate change risks and opportunities that your organisation is exposed to over time
Gearing up
We can help your organisation build the internal capability it needs to successfully track and manage the climate related risks and opportunities over time.
Knowledge development
Gearing up starts with the whole organisation reframing its view of the future through the lens of climate change related risks and opportunities and the proactive efforts it must take to forge enduring climate adaptation and resilience.
We can help your organisation accelerate the development of its climate change risk management knowledge and capability in a targeted manner commensurate with the:
Scope, scale and speed of each client's specific mobilisation requirements;
Scale and extent of their likely climate risk exposure and vulnerability; and
Capability required to achieve each client's future aspirations (strategic or otherwise).
We can help your organisation plan, organise and execute a climate change mobilisation change programme that captures the need for urgency, the need for collective action and the need to embed climate change credentials into your commitments.
The challenges posed by climate change are time critical. This means starting early offers greater strategic flexibility, more options and more time to experiment and learn – natural characteristics of successful adaptation. Opportunities available in this ‘new world’ will also be realised by those who have the foresight to move early, at scale and with the full momentum of the whole organisation.
We can help your organisation implement and execute (start to finish, or at specific steps) a best practice climate risk management process, which is optimised for use at the organisation level.
Implementation and execution
The fundamental building blocks/stages of any climate risk and opportunity management process (including tasks within each) are largely universal regardless of each client organisation's operating environment and circumstances.
We can provide your organisation with a standardised but adaptable climate change risk management methodology that:
Represents best practice (i.e. is derived from authoritative frameworks likes TCFD and CISL and aligned with ISO 31000); and
Has been specifically designed for identifying, assessing and responding to climate risks and opportunities at the organisational level in New Zealand.
We then work with you to adjust this methodology as required, so that it best suits your organisation's specific climate risk management requirements.
Design and implementation
Execution (of part or all of the climate risk management process)
Climate change risk management is an emergent practice, particularly at the enterprise level. As a result, there are a range of novel challenges which, depending on an organisation's internal capability, may require external support to execute.
We can help your organisation execute the climate risk management process end-to-end through a complete cycle, or by intervening and providing support at specific phases or for specific tasks within the cycle (i.e. as and when additional or specialist help is required). In doing so we provide your organisation with enduring tools and guidance that will enable it to reduce their reliance on external support over time
Ongoing consulting, data and technical support
We can provide ongoing access to the data, analytical and technological tools, and consulting support, which your organisation needs to carry out critical tasks like tracking its ever-changing climate risk and opportunity profile and measuring the performance of its adaptation and mitigation efforts.
Ongoing data, analytical and technical support
Because climate risk management is an emergent practice in its infancy, the biggest challenge for most organisations is finding and accessing:
Quality data critical to identifying understanding and quantifying specific climate risk exposure points; and
Analytical technology and tools capable of assessing the individual and cumulative impacts of your organisation's identified climate risk exposure with a meaningful degree of accuracy and predictive capability.
The data, analytical and technical support that onepointfive provides is focused on helping organisations like yours to close these gaps with affordable solutions, which generate reliable and actionable insights that support quality short, medium and long term decision-making
Ongoing consulting and advisory support
The evolving and variable nature of climate change risks and opportunities and the inherent uncertainty and change that comes with this, requires that your organisation’s risk management efforts are ongoing and become embedded in its DNA.
Our consulting and advisory support services are tailored accordingly and can be
accessed at any point and time in the risk management cycle.